So here I am going to my convenience store where I have had chats with the cashier who is an Egyptian, but US citizen. We had talked politics and I was armed with my Dean stuff that I told him I would bring the next time I came in.
Well, I go in and he's not there yet, instead there is this other guy. Well, I give the guy my Dean stuff to give to my friend who doesn't come on till 11PM, and meanwhile he and I got talking. Seems he is French...OMG! Give me the Academy Award...I said "You are French?"...he says yeah, but I am a naturalized citizen. So I immediately go into my bash Bush and he is listening intentively...I was happy.
Meanwhile, there is a black guy behind me, who suddenly says "I know Howard Dean..he's the man." I just about fell over. I said, "You know Howard Dean?" He says "Oh yeah, I really like the guy." I then went on about HD would be great for this country and how * has totally ruined this country and all he cares about are his rich friends etc. The black guy was just nodding and smiling and saying, "I am voting for Dean." Made my day, or should I say night!