His new book comes out Feb 2004.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0375412883/qid=1063375643/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_2/002-8017869-5469651There's the Amazon link.
For science buffs, especially astronomy, 2004 os going to be *the* year!
First, the twin Mars rovers land in January.
Also in January, the Stardust probe is going to rezendevous with comet "Wild 2", collect some stardust in it's aerogel, and take some what should be fantastic pictures.
In Feb, Brian Greene's new book comes out.
In the summer (June I think) the Cassini probe will arive at the Saturn system, and will no doubt also take some fantastic pictures. Also, one of the things I am most excited about, is that it will drop the Hyugens (sp?) probe which will descend through the clouds of Saturn's moon Titan, and snap some pictures from the surface and take measurements. That will be too cool for words.
Also sometimes in 2004 there will be a Venus transit, visible partially from the extreme eastern US.
Not to mention the European probes also on their way to Mars.
It is going to be a rich year indeed for science and exploration.