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September 11th in history

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NightTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 09:14 AM
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September 11th in history

Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales dedicated a goodly chunk of Thursday's "Democracy Now" to other significant events that have occurred on September 11th. Here's what I can remember:

9/9 - 9/13/71: The Attica prison revolt in Upstate New York, in which the police ended up killing 43 people, including ten hostages.

9/11/73: Chile's democratically elected president, Salvador Allende, is assassinated in the presidential palace in a CIA-backed military coup. Allende's successor, Augusto Pinochet, will run Chile for the next 17 years, during which time 300,000 Chileans will be jailed tortured, disappeared, and killed.

9/11 - 9/12/77: The arrest, police beating, and subsequent death in jail of South African freedom fighter Steven Biko (sp?).

9/11/90: The murder of Guatemalan anthrolopologist Myrna Mack at the hands of a government death squad.

9/11/01: I think we all know what happened on this day!

9/11/03: Anna Lindh, the best-loved politician in Sweden, dies in the hospital after an unknown attacker stabbed her numerous times in a Stockholm department store the previous day.

What *is* it about September 11th, man?!

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