NC DU'ers..Are you coming to Cheney Protest 4 p.m. NC Fairgrounds?
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Fri Sep-12-03 01:27 PM
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NC DU'ers..Are you coming to Cheney Protest 4 p.m. NC Fairgrounds? |
Edited on Fri Sep-12-03 01:30 PM by KoKo01
Phillybrite will be will I. I couldn't find a post here about I'm doing an alert.
Trouble figuring out another sign for him though. "Release the Energy Papers" is one but it doesn't hit hard enough. So far I have one sign: END THE OIL OCCUPATION ......But I need another one.
Any serious ideas for a catchy sign.......? I can think of things.....but I want something catchy.
Thanks........hope some of you can make it. It goes until 6:00p.m. so if you can stop by even if you don't have a sign it would be good.
Protest will be at the NC State Fairgrounds and the protest will be on Blue Ridge Rd. beside the gate next to the Kerr Scott Building. He's attending another of his big bucks fundraisers for US Senate candidate Richard Burr......yuck!
I'm hoping there's parking there.
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Fri Sep-12-03 02:04 PM
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but I can't wait to see your pictures. Keep up the good work! :toast:
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Fri Sep-12-03 05:18 PM
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