Today I went bookshopping in fun filled Wilmington Delaware and I thought I'd share some observations from the 3 bookstores I visited today.
First stop was Waldenbooks. I actually stopped by the mall because Sears was there and I needed some stuff from Sears. I didn't find anything at Sears and I spent 30 minutes strolling the mall and gabbing on the phone with DU fav Ramsey! Anyhow, I stopped in Waldenbooks. Personally, I think Waldenbooks is a joke when it comes to a bookstore, but I suppose for a mall store it's fine. Waldenbook had a display of their 20 best-selling books out front which included both fiction and non-fiction. Number #2 was Al Franken's book (he's going to get kicked out of #1 slot by Dr. Phil) and of course Hillary Clinton was in the middle of the pack. There were no rabid neo-cons frothing at the mouth with best sellers at Waldenbooks (although with Al Franken's book, there were pictures of neo-cons frothing - but they were on the cover of his books). Didn't buy anything since Waldenbooks has a sucky Political Science selection.
Second stop was Barnes & Noble. They do distinguish between fiction and non-fiction with their books. Number #2 again was Al Franken (dang that Dr. Phil) and Hillary was also a best seller. Right next to Hillary's book was ( :puke: ) Treason. They had a table with a selection of Current Affairs (that's what they call their political books) right in front. Overwhelmingly the selection favored liberal books. I need to stop stereotyping people. I saw a guy with bad tattoos and a mullet who I swore was trying to find Michael Savage's book end up buying 'Weapons of Mass Deception' by Sheldon Rampton, John C. Stauber. The current affairs section had both of Will Pitt's Books which I moved one in front of the display of Ann Coulter(+)'s book at the end of the aisle. I shopped around and contimplated buying one of Franken's other books and 'Bowling for Columbine' but I went into shock to see 'Bowling' was $27 for the DVD. Before I left, I put that copy of 'Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Liar' right in front of the Treason display.
Third stop was Borders. Like B&N they display their top sellers in the front of the section and keep the fiction and non-fiction apart. Again that damnable Dr. Phil beat out Al Franken for the #1 slot and Hillary was also on display. No books from anoretic bleach blondes on display in the bestselling section. Went to the Political Science section and discovered that Al Franken writes about Political Science stuff but since it's funny he's over in the humor section right next to Michael Moore. Geez, if we're catagorizing books about how they are written shouldn't Coulter(+), Savage, O'Lielly, Hannity and a few others be over in the fiction section? Picked up a copy of Franken's 'Rush Limbaugh' book and a copy of 'Bowling for Columbine' (which was $5 less at Borders) then went back to the Political Science section where I covertly moved Joe Conason's book on top of the pile of Treason books. I noticed they had Will's 'Greatest Sedition' book and ironically it was right next to copies The Constitution of the United States. Are the folks at Borders trying to tell us something???!!!!
Just finished 'Bowling for Columbine' and will take a cool shower and then crawl into bed with Al Franken (well the book, not the person). These stores are interesting, but on a whole I'd rather go to my friendly neighborhood independent bookstore and support them (however they were no where near where I was today).