I really don't. However, some strange stuff used to happen in the house that I grew up in. I grew up in an old plantation house in SC. My great-grandmother lived in the house her whole life, and the house was passed down to my father. She at one point lived in this house by herself for several years after my great-grandfather died. When we moved in the house there were several marks in the wall upstairs that we inquired into. My grandmother told my father that my great-grandmother had stated that she often heard strange noises and voices within the walls and that she had gotten an axe and went at the wall. Needless to say that freaked me out hearing that as a kid. No, my great-grandmother was not crazy, quite the southern "lady" as a matter of fact. The only strange thing that happened in that house to me had to do with the water faucet in my bathroom which was part of my bedroom. It would turn on at times, always at night. Sometimes, I would be wide awake at the time and knew that there was nobody in my room. Plus, I would often actually hear the faucet dials turning on. It freaked me out because I was really young, my parents thought I was losing it. I found out later that two people, including my great-grandfather had died in that room. Needless to say I requested and got a room change.