I dreamed that it was the reign of Bush43, and credit, banking, HMO and utilities monopolies had managed to get a federal law passed requiring all bankruptcies, chronic late credit risks, chronically unemployed and folks who were just above the accepted and registered "welfare line" who fell behind and couldn't pay for housing, medical, or utilities to be considered feloniously in debt, lost their "citizenship", and were forced into bondage to any corporation willing to buy their debt bond - unless they were willing or able to pay off their debt in the military. Since chronic indebitness and bankruptcy was considered a federal crime akin to economic terrorism, and Patriot II had been passed. Of course, these bonds were bought and sold like Fannie Maes and credit recovery bonds and racked up terrific fees for sale, so one would never know who one would own any particular debtor at any one time and a debtor would never really have any idea when his or her debt would be over. The debtor was forced to work for a registered company - no matter what his or her actual skills were, and could be passed onto the company owner's heirs or replacement as time passed on. The debtor's family or dependents were registered as welfare recipients and placed in basically camps where they also did light, cheap work to keep them until the debt was paid off.
In my dream, I was a degreed chemist who had fallen into debt, and had been sold to a painting contractor who paid me on the side for a specialized form of paint effects, the old man and his son were willing to help me start a business of my own in a form of partnership which would help me pay off my debt quicker, however - the government board that would register businesses wouldn't accept my application because I was a bondsman and had no legal standing until my bond was paid off, even with the old man and his son willing to vouch for me.
In the dream, I had gotten agitated (because having the business would allow me to get my family out of camp) and they were arrested me - about this time I woke up.
Has anyone else had dreams like this? I've had several that were this vivid, and I'm thinking this is book material (that is, if I would write less like Maria Corelli and more like Kipling or Stienbeck).