Most important political issue to you (of these listed)
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Sun Sep-14-03 11:24 PM
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Poll question: Most important political issue to you (of these listed) |
I chose universal health insurance (because I don't think health care should conflict with food, medicine, and other essentials.) Posted this in the Lounge because it's more of a survey then an in-depth discussion topic.
Systematic Chaos
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Sun Sep-14-03 11:26 PM
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1. Civil rights, by the slimmest of margins |
Because, without our rights, I fail to see how we can win the battle on all the other issues you listed.
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Sun Sep-14-03 11:51 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. Yes, I like all the things I mentioned.. |
but universal health insurance is the first thing I would work on in office. :)
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Sun Sep-14-03 11:27 PM
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2. keeping peacful relations is important, but |
repealing the unPATRIOTic Act is equally as important for the same reasons: both are implemenations of tyranny and empire.
And restoring the republic in the face of these tyrants and feudal lords is the most critical task we have before us, IMO.
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Sun Sep-14-03 11:52 PM
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4. Like choosing between air and water.. |
but I chose 'peaceful relations' because there it's somebody else's "air" that would be under immediate and definite threat.
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Mon Sep-15-03 12:09 AM
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Edited on Mon Sep-15-03 12:10 AM by saline
for me the bill of rights must be immutable and above everything else. (so rights in general which seemed to fit civil rights best)
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:28 AM
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6. I chose Universal Health Care. |
But right along with it goes
peaceful relations civil rights the environment labor issues
and the one you didn't mention:
public ed
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:28 AM
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7. At this given moment... |
I'd have to go with civil rights. I'm afraid that the erosion of our rights will give way to worse scenarios.
All are vitally important, of course.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 04:37 AM
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