Maurice Clarret...
Catholic Sensation
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Mon Sep-15-03 08:32 AM
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I would love for any Ohio State fans who happen to agree with Clarret explain to me why he's not at fault for lying to investigators and him cheating on his finals so he could play against Miami. I keep reading these articles and the quotes are all of the type that Ohio State fucked him over and all this is a result of Ohio State's fuck up, not his.
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Mon Sep-15-03 08:40 AM
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1. Maurice lied. He's out. |
No excuses for him. I'm certain he lied to police. Cheating on finals? There is a huge question about that.
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Mon Sep-15-03 08:40 AM
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only has himself to blame. Stupid kid who doesn't know how to handle himself :(
Hope he has a good year at Grambling. Or will it be the Canadian Football League :shrug:
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Mon Sep-15-03 10:27 AM
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an immature spoiled brat to me. But then, athletes like him are always treated like they are something special for their talent. People don't pay much attention to their character.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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