The writing on DS9 wasn't that great until TNG went off the air, and the writers that had been doing great work for TNG were able to focus on DS9. DS9 got a lot better pretty quickly after TNG went off the air.
Same thing with Voyager--the writing wasn't that great until DS9 went off the air.
Deep Space 9 just had the extra problem of being the middle series--TNG ended and Voyager started up right afterwords. DS9 hadn't been that great in comparison to TNG when it started, so most people (I think) wrote it off in the 2 seasons that overlapped with TNG. TNG ended, and Voyager started the next season, so the Trekkies who had already written off DS9 started watching Voyager as though it were the only series on air.
Enterprise's problem is that the year is 2003, and the things that would really make for a great series aren't the things that make for great ratings, especially on UPN (and the music sucks). They have the opportunity to explore so many things in the Star Trek universe, but can't because ratings pushed them into the "Delphic Expanse" with the new commando team and T'Pol taking her top off.
None of the 5 series were bad. Some were better than others, and all 4 series that ran their course have had some episodes that were absolute gems. I don't have a TV when I'm at school, so I've only been able to see a half dozen episodes of Enterprise. The true fans will watch, and the fair-weather fans will lose interest. I just hope