It was introduced by one of the asshole-managers who had seen the video tapes before us, and he introduced it by buying himself a Nerf gun and going around shooting employees with it. My fellow wise-ass co-worker and I asked what was going on, and he explained that we would be starting a new program on how to have fun in the workplace, and we would be watching videos. We then proceeded to mock him for needing videotapes to learn how to have fun at work (my friend and I already DID the Fish program naturally). He tried to wiggle out of the implication that he was so dumb he needed videotapes on fun, but we wouldn't let him off the hook. He became pissy and stormed out of our cubicle aisle. We had that effect on him - everyone else was afraid of him except my friend and me, and he hated us for it.
My friend and I then went to Toys R Us during lunch so I could buy the biggest, fastest repeating-shooting Nerf gun they had.
After that we all watched the videos; my friend and I mocked the 4 basic tenets as common sense, and we took part in stupid team building exercises that managers were all ga-ga over as if they were the greatest things since sliced bread.
Then we did the Fish program for a couple of months, and it slowly died out. There were still fish crap up around the cube farms when I was laid off two weeks ago.