ask me anything....
Wow! What a man! He was funny from the time he stepped up to the mike to the time he ended. He really let Ann Coulter have it...I thought he disliked Bill O'Reilly but I really think he hates, loaths and despises Ann Coulter. Oh well, I feel the same way about her.
Got to meet a DUer! His DU name is Gore1Florida and he doesn't post as much now but I recall seeing some posts. It was cool sitting next to him and his friend who looks just like a blonde Mickey Dolenz! They were cool!
Everything was fine until this guy comes up and basically wants the three of us to provide chapter and verse why we think Bush's call to war was founded on lies. Now, I get up at 330AM everyday and haven't slept well the past few days because they are laying people off at my workplace so I was not really in a mood to discuss middle east geopolitics. My DU friend did very well and held his own against this guy, who I must add was calm, cool and collected. One thing this guy objected to was Al Franken calling Ann Coulter an F*****g B*tch...he said it was crude and vulgar.
All in all a very good evening and I still could bounce!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: