I admit, the school principal set the guy up and it was so delicious to watch!
The "teen age repugs" have already had several meetings. I prepared some flyers to recruit members for a hs young dems chapter. I submitted them to the vice principal for approval -- like I'm supposed to -- and two of the three were fine. One of these had the Statue of Liberty with a banner saying "Preserve Liberty and Justice for All". The other had an Uncle Sam saying "I want you ... to be fair and balanced."
The one that was banned -- had a goofy photo of Whistle-Ass under a banner reading "Miserable failure?" and at the bottom, "You betcha." Around the photo I put starbursts -- 8% unemployment, $500 billion deficit, etc. Nothing that wasn't true.
The principal told me to put the rejected flyer in the mailbox of the young repugs' sponsor as a prank. When the guy got it, he blew a gasket. Before the principal could tell him it was a joke, he'd emailed the vp and copied the superintendent. His wife left a voice mail for the vp. They were concerned about attacks and diversity. The principal reamed him a new one for overreacting -- told him he (the principal) feels the same way when he (the repug advisor) sends him anti-Clinton emails. And he told him not to be angry at me -- that in fact, he had told me to do it and he (the advisor) should have known that he (the principal) was behind it.
The whole thing was hysterical. The principal came by my room to ask if I was okay, that I shouldn't feel bad about doing it. I told him I'm tough, I can take it -- that I had just chalked it up to "typical republican mentality."
This is gonna be fun!