My dad. :( dad was an alcoholic who has been in recovery for about 2 decades (longer than the Shrub himself, apparently). Nevertheless, his face has the skin tone of a heavy drinker, much like Bush in this picture. (I know there's a phrase for that skin tone but I can't remember it.) There are other similarities -- hairstyle, general build.
Fortunately, the resemblance stops there. He's been a disillusioned Republican/Independent since the 90s -- maybe he just got tired of being laughed at by his Democratic wife and two daughers over the years. He doesn't like Bush Jr. but did support Bush Sr.
I love doing the evil "caption" thing with photos of Dubya, but I gotta say that because of this resemblance I always get a little tug on my heartstrings when I do it. I love my Dad. <sniff>
At least he doesn't look like Cheney.