Alabama reports no "persistently dangerous" schoolsSeptember 19, 2003 -
Alabama has no schools in the "persistently dangerous" category under President Bush's No Child Left Behind law.
Under the federal law, students in "persistently dangerous" schools are entitled to transfer to a safer school.
A school can be declared "persistently dangerous" if during three consecutive years one percent of its enrollment or five students -- whichever number is greater -- have been expelled for crimes on school property during school hours or at school-sponsored activities.
Local school systems must notify parents within ten working days that the school has been identified as persistently dangerous.http://www.msnbc.com/local/WPMI/D-DE30866C-A71E-4D91-B610-A2C08F28776A.asp?0na=x22137a8-I just...I just...I just don't know any more.