but it may be beyond me. Partly this is because we drove to Savannah and back this weekend listening to practically nothing but the original cast recording, and much as I love having Jesse L Martin singing about a thousand sweet kisses running through my head on a 24-hour basis, there are limits. (PS: Yes I know the play is almost 10 years old and I'm more than a little late jumping on the bandwagon; so sue me, I live in South Carolina.)
The semi-intelligent thing I wanted to say about "Rent" is that if you have questions or doubts after November 2 that we are better or smarter than they are, see or listen to this show. It's what it's all about. Tolerance, inclusion, love, forgiveness-- why is it that our side, who are mostly agnostic follow Jesus' teachings better than the ones who claim so vociferously to be Christian? (Don't worry about it; that one's rhetorical.) I think this is what Skinner is aiming for in trying to write a mission statement about what DU is all about and what DUers have in common. (If you haven't seen Skinner's thread, you might want to go to the DU homepage.) This is truly the big tent, and all are welcome here.
I note in passing that my poll on what I should unmask as has hung up at a tie between the Olsen twins and the troll that ate the three billy goats gruff. I don't know if this means that I should unmask as both or what. You can go break the tie here: