SYDNEY, Australia -- First it was a purported likeness of the Virgin Mary in a cheese sandwich. Now, a single grain of breakfast cereal with an uncanny resemblance to cuddly movie alien E.T. has reportedly fetched $804 in an Internet auction.
Chris Doyle of Sydney said he was about to pour milk over his cereal one morning when he noticed an E.T. lookalike peering from his bowl.
Inspired by the $28,000 online sale in November of a sandwich which some claimed appeared to have the Virgin Mary's face on it, the 27-year-old graphic designer decided to cash in on his alien-looking piece of cereal.
"I just didn't think it would go this far," Doyle told The Daily Telegraph newspaper for its Wednesday edition. "I was just trying to find someone who feels the same way about E.T. as they do about the Virgin Mary.",0,1158235.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines