Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 03:50 PM by Saffy
Ever run into someone that is so 'progressive' and environmentally 'aware' that they do their damndest to make everyone else feel inferior? This would be my definition of the "Eco-Nazi".
Seems to me that if these persons are as concerned about sustainable life on this planet as they appear to be, they would perhaps try a friendlier method of garnering support.
I may not be perfect with regard to my ecological conservatism, but I do try. Really, I do. Unfortunately, certain measures are beyond my grasp due to lack of financial independence, i.e., I must use a vehicle in order to transport 4 children...ever try hitching 4 kiddo's to a bike? Or, bring home enough groceries to feed said family on a bike or on foot? And, I'm also at the mercy of driving whatever vehicle happens to fit into my budget, hence no 30k hybrids.
And while I do support organic, sustainable agriculture to the best of my ability (and have a veggie and herb garden to help), I've found that actually FEEDING my children adequate amounts of food tends to take precedence over tesing them with small amounts of frou-frou, over-priced seeds and twigs.
The LAST thing I need is some wealthy, self-righteous schmuck lecturing me on my wastefulness, (a recent date I had did just that!!!), while he sips away on his $6 organic chai, wearing his bio-dynamically grown hemp trousers and sporting a "Love your planet" button.
Wouldn't loving your planet also include treating it's inhabitants as more than pond-scum?
I dunno, but sometimes it seems as if this whole eco-movement has become yet another method of macho competition designed to bolster ego's by demeaning and patronizing other's. What do you think?