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I need some advice

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happyasaclam Donating Member (165 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 09:48 PM
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I need some advice
This is the situation......

My older brother, Mark, has been in the same relationship for the last 8 years. The last 2 years of the relationship they have been married. They don't have any children.

In the last 8 years, Mark has not changed at all. He is still the same country guy, with the same interests and hobbies that he has had for as long as I can remember. He works hard, has started his own business, helps out at home and does a lot of the cooking and cleaning. Together, Mark and Rebecca (his wife) seemed to be happier than ever before.

Yesterday, Mark tells my father and me, that Rebecca wants to get a divorce. The reason, supposedly, is that they have nothing in common (odd to say that after 8 years) and never spend any time together.

Today, Mark informed us that Rebecca and him had a long talk about everything last night, and had decided to try and work things out. I initially thought that was a great idea.

However, Mark told us what they had talked about. Mark is to give up most of the business he has started, to get a "normal" job with more regular hours. He is also to spend less time fishing, and doing a lot of other things that he enjoys.
On the other hand, Rebecca didn't have to make a single compromise. She didn't have to give up any of the 2hrs a day she spends with her parents, or going out after work 3 times a week for a drink with her friends, or time doing any of her other interests. Needless to say, that pissed me off a bit.

I have always thought of Rebecca as a bossy, manipulative bitch. She talks down to him like he is twelve years old. But I have never said anything to my brother before, as I have always been told it wasn't my place to say anything.
I can now see all of Mark's dreams being squashed.

I know marriage is about compromise, but it should be compromise from both partners, right? So, should I say something to my brother (I know he is going to be unhappy), or should I just keep my mouth shut?
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junker Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 09:53 PM
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1. Tell the bitch off. Or tell your brother how you feel. Life is way too sho
life is way too short to 'hide' things. ANd get this. You owe your brother honesty in helping him deal with reality, and if you don't respect the wife, then you have no reason to spare her feelings.

An absolute recipe for disaster, but likely will all come out anyway. Sheeit is awful hard to hide. Kind of likes to leak out.

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ScreamingMeemie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 09:56 PM
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2. Sadly, I think it is best for you to keep your mouth shut. As difficult
as that may be. I have a sister-in-law who is much this same way. We all can't stand her, but she's his wife. He's the one who has to make it or break it. Perhaps she has compromised in other ways that you are not privy to? I know this is difficult for you to be witness to. I'm so sorry. But I do believe a couple's marriage,barring certain exceptions, is their's to handle. :hi: I wish your brother all the luck in the world.
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