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Which numbers make one AC plug compatible with different things?

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Goldom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 10:11 PM
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Which numbers make one AC plug compatible with different things?
If I've got a plug that fits into two things, and is designed for something labeled "120V 60Hz 79W", would that imply I ought not to use it something that says "120V 60Hz 17W"? I'm guessing it would probably be a bad idea.

More specifically, I can't find the power cord for the PS1 and the PS2 one fits the hole. I'm assuming it wouldn't work, so am not trying, but electricity confuses me. I don't even want a lesson in how it works cause I've tried believe me, just a simple "OMG NO YOU WILL EXPLODE!!~" (And no, that whole "i could just use the old games in the new one" would not help me here).
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 10:33 PM
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1. Those cords are interchangeable.
Go right ahead.
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Rjnerd Donating Member (351 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 10:36 PM
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2. It will be fine.
If the thing plugs into the wall, all you are changing is a normal cord (not one of the "bricks" that plug directly into the wall) and you stay in one country, the plugs sold won't fit, if they won't work. They don't allow you to plug stuff into the wrong voltage. (If you leave the US, all bets are off).

The only things that need to match are the voltage and frequency. With voltage, all you have to worry about is that the range shown on the device includes a number between 110 and 120 (what comes out of the wall here) For frequency, there are only two numbers to worry about 50hz or 60hz. In America we use 60. Many things don't care about frequency.

Things like "wall warts" those lumps that plug in, and have a thin cord coming out of them are usually the fussiest. They are often made for just one frequency, and voltage range. (its cheaper that way, and cheap is what those things are all about). As hinted above, they aren't interchangable at either end. (it has to match).

Things like the power supplies of desktops are pretty tolerant about what they will take. They rarely care about frequency. Most will be happy with anything between the 100v 50hz of parts of japan, to the 120V 60hz used everywhere in the US and Canada. Some of the older ones will have a switch, that you slide with a key or screwdriver, that lets them work on the 200 to 240 volts used in Europe, many now (especially those supplied with laptops) are designed to run on almost everything emerging from wall outles - the one on the laptop I type this at, is happy with 100 to 240V, without changing a thing.

Because lots of places have "special" wall outlet arrangements, they have standardized (mostly) the non-wall end of the cord. There is either the one that looks a lot like a normal american wall outlet, and is what all desktop PC's include. That is the cord you lost. You can walk into almost anywhere and get a new one. Just ask for a desktop cord. The other common cord is a small two pin thing. Its common on laptops. It was invented for electric shavers. It is also available almost everywhere. The third, and less common version is a "grounded" shaver cord. Looks like the small flat shaver cord, except it is triangular like the one for desktops. If you need one of those you might be stuck going to a computer store.
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