I belong to a listserv out of Montreal that’s dedicated to rockabilly music. Earlier this week, being my usual smart-ass self, I posted this message:
> Now that Bush is in your country, would you mind keeping him there? > Send him up north into the Canadian Arctic if you wish, but PLEASE, > don't let that motherfucker return to the States! Thank you.
And got this reply from a Canuck:
Maybe we can teach him to play the saxophone and get blowjobs and then you'll love him just like Clinton? Thousands of American troops died in Bosnia but hey who's counting?
Here's the deal - how about we teach Bush to play sax and get covert blowjobs just like your beloved Clinton on the condition that your pinko commie mouthpiece slug Michael Moore never makes another lousy propaganda flick? You can just send him up here, I need a big dumb useless piece of crap to put my amp on top of.
To which I replied:
Dude, why are you so obsessed with America's LAST president? In case you haven't heard, America is in a war right now--a war that has killed 1,200 of my fellow Americans and 100,000 Iraqis. For what it's worth, the conflict in Bosnia didn't kill one American solider.
And from later in the same discussion:
The fact that Mr. Dean in CT can call his president a "motherfucker" (hell he can stand at the White House gate and SCREAM it if he wants) without any fear of being imprisoned or beaten into pudding by the Secret Police puts him on a somewhat less convincing podium to complain from... Perhaps Mr Dean in CT should move to some other part of the world to experience repressive government first-hand?
My response:
So, let me get this straight. The best way to show my appreciation for my freedom of speech is to refrain from using it? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense!
And if Georgie Boy's supporters have their way, the scenario you outlined above will eventually happen in the States. "All non- Christians are to report to the nearest re-education resort."
One last thing: that cocksucker will never be MY president!
Sorry to see the Kool-Aid has found its way north of the border. :(