Tonight I stumbled on Joseph Cannon's blog, and all the pieces fell into place.
From Cannon's blog:
First two quotes here quote here from Auditors, Read just the beginning and you'll see.
1. I received a letter from someone unknown to me, telling me to place certain information on my blog. I won't reprint this text here, but a cautious summary should do no harm.
The badly-written letter stated that Greg Palast is working with Madsen on the "Five Star Trust" angle, and that they both need funding. I was directed to a web page offering a PayPal donation button.
The writer connected Five Star to CyberNet, which figures in Jeff Fisher's charges. You can read a good discussion of this business here.
This same letter also connected Five Star to Accenture, the Enron-linked (actually, Arthur Anderson-linked) offshore company which has received government contracts for a system identifying visitors to this country (photographs, fingerprints, perhaps even iris scans) and which also received a contract to provide the military with an online voting system, which bears the unnerving name "Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment" (or SERVE). The letter closed with an unclear reference to the Green party.
This missive struck me as very suspicious. If Palast and/or Madsen need donations, surely they would make their own plea directly; why would they have Mr. Anonymous Stranger act on their behalf?
In short: I smell a scam. I've phoned Madsen and written Palast, and will soon know the facts. In the meantime, let me know if you have received a similar mailing.
2. Has he been misled? Anything is possible. Even if (as some readers believe) Rovian forces have made Madsen the target of a crafty deception operation, we should not ignore the story. Cover-up obviates conspiracy. Last I heard, creating a fake check is a crime. No-one would go to such lengths to mislead an investigator if the overall "vote fraud" allegation had no foundation.
Speaking of deception operations: Do you remember the mysterious e-mailer who tried to raise money on behalf of Madsen and Greg Palast? (The idea was to put a PayPal link on this blog.) This "fundraiser" turns out to be unknown to Madsen. He confirmed that neither he nor Palast operates in this fashion -- therefore, "this guy is up to something."
3. Madsen/Palast: A Palast associate has reconfirmed to me that Wayne Madsen and Greg Palast are not working together on the issue of vote fraud. A creature calling himself "Jack Seymour" has been trying to raise money -- allegedly on the behalf of a joint effort conducted by these two investigative reporters. "Seymour" has posted his continuing appeals for $$$ in various places. I'm sure it's a scam.
4. Auditor
Nov-29-04, 01:38 AM (PST)
14. "I would be happy to, this must be what you are needing!"
In response to message #13
Hope all of this is helpful in your request, Amy!
'What follows is a whole lot of information on Five also known as 5
Star Trust that has been compiled and needs to be followed up on, for
certain, along with their donations to Accenture Inc. We have
requested that Greg give us the link to his donation funds page, or
someone that knows Greg, so that we can begin spreading his much
needed funding across the web. We are prepared to fully back and fund
any investigation that takes place. Without further influence here is
5 star trust.