I am so overworked that there is absolutely no way for me to finish what I need to do. Oftentimes, this means that I can't even finish the basics. Recently, I've been spending most of my time talking to disgruntled customers - upset because they repeatedly receive the wrong parts, which is a problem we've been having for months, and have failed to correct.
I've had to put up with verbal abuse from one supervisor (he's not MY supervisor, mind you) and a co-worker. Both serious cases which were brought to the attention of my supervisor and the president. Hell, one of the cases was in FRONT of my supervisor - who sat there with her mouth hanging open and didn't say a word until the other supervisor had left, then pissed and moaned about how out of line he was.
We have tuition reimbursement, but I've had to fight to receive it - even though I followed our policy and received pre-approval for my coursework.
We have one supervisor who plays RPG's on his computer on company time. He also in general just sits around his office and is notorious for not doing any work. Another supervisor plays card games on his computer - in front of the CEO and President. And every employee is aware of this.
On the other hand, the president has been known to get on the PA system and tell the lower employees to get back to work if he felt they didn't disperse quickly enough when the end-of-lunch bell rang.
We give paid sick and personal time to the managers and supervisors (who are both exempt and non-exempt), but not to the "lower" employees. That means that sometimes we have to make a choice between taking care of serious illness or feeding our families. This happened to me in October, and here it is December, and I'm paying for it.
I caught a simple head cold from my 15 year old, but within 24 hours it was an upper respiratory infection. I lost over a week's worth of pay and was on bed rest on my doctor's orders. Because of the loss of pay, I went beyond the usual "budgeting to go to the movies" and had to make a serious decision. Pay for my meds for seasonal depression, or feed my kids and pay the electricity bill. Hrm. What a choice.
Normally I would have taken my anti-depressants through December, but I just couldn't afford to refill the script just before Thanksgiving. I realized the choice I was faced with a little late, so I wasn't able to wean myself as thoroughly as I would have liked. So, I had to stop taking it too abruptly. It probably would have still been ok except for the extreme stress at work - both in being unable to complete my job and having co-workers (who are also frustrated) calling me to scream, yell and threaten. All of it adds up to a sudden and serious case of depression .... and four more lost days of work.
It's frustrating, and infuriating.