This couple I once knew, wanted a child so terribly... The woman and her husband cried, and cried begging for a child... One day, finally, she discovered that she was going to have a child!!! The child they 'so' longed for was finally going to be theres... They were so happy, they couldn't believe it!!! They had to celebrate, and let it be known!!! 9 months finally went by, and it brought them to the hospital... The poor woman went through the most rigorous labour you could imagine, but she never once complained, and although her husband felt so much for her, he could do nothing, but hold her hand, and assure her that he was with her, every step of the way... In the morning, she finally gave birth... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Her husband stood at her side, and held her hand fighting for their child they wanted so much to be born, to come into this world... It finally happened... And they were so proud... They both cried a river of tears...
The child they wanted so badly...
came out as just a head...
The woman gave birth to a very 'healthy' baby 'head'...
They had wanted a child for so long, that they were so happy, even as things turned out, so they took that little head home, nurtured it, clothed it, and loved it as much as any couple could love any 'head', or any child for that matter, and raised it to the best of their ability, watching it grow...
Every day that little head would sit in the kitchen window and watch the neighborhood children play outside, and every day it would ask the same question, "Mama, why can't I ever play with the kids outside"? And every day it's mama, would say "it just can't work that way baby, "maybe some day"... So the little head waited, and waited for "some day" to come along... It would sit in the window, and want so much, and then just slink back from the kitchen, and roll into the living room and watch TV, every day... every single day... Waiting for "one day" to come...
One day, the little head was sitting in the kitchen window watching the kids play, until, it couldn't take it any more, and rolled off the counter, onto the floor, and out the door, wanting so badly just for once to play like the other kids... It rolled down the front the steps, down the sidewalk and out into the street... Yelling... "I'M COMING TO PLAY!!!!"
Just as it got to the center of the street, a car came speeding along and
((((SMASH!!!!!)))) """HIT IT"""!!! DEAD ON!!!... SQUISHING IT... FLAT!!!! The young couple was devistated, and lost... What could they possibly think...? \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ No matter how bad it seems, there is a moral to this story... \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ QUIT WHILE YOU'RE A HEAD...!!! (heeheehee!!!)