No god. No afterlife. No reason to care about the world outside of yourself. Why care for the homeless, the sick, anyone really?
If evolution is survival of the fittest (loosely speaking) than is not bush way up the food chain from us? He has the power, he probably won by cheating (which may show a more advanced species in some ways), and we have little. To the strong go the race, and he is in power.
Sure he might aid in the destruction of the world as we know it, but why should he care? He has his bunkers and lackeys. He will be ok - and since there is no afterlife and judgement of mankind why should he ever care about others?? Why should anyone really?
I am not being totally sarcastic really. The human race can come and go, but if we die after maybe 80 years why should we care about those that come after us, what incentive do we have to care? Live life to the fullest, use others, kill others, make all the money you can, grab all the power you can, and change the world as you can to suit your desires. That includes cheating in elections as well.
Bush won, whether cheating was there or not. He will be sworn in. He has what he wants. He suceeded and we did not. With no god, no higher power, we are left with bush as one of the highest powers in the world. You and I are not in that position. If he engineered 9/11 for his gain, so what? He won. Why should he care about morals in a scientific world without a higher power? Why care about the climate? He won't be here to suffer from his decisions, his kids will be well taken care of.
Evolution: The earth will be gone someday (sun dying, meteorites, et al) or not really worth living on. There is no god. There is only today and what you have for yourself and your comfort level.
WHY should anyone care about others (unless they profit themselves - ie by helping others we help ourselves)? Who decides what is moral and 'right' - those in power to do so? If so, bush is in power and he gets to decide (which we should accept maybe because he rose to power).
IRAQ? Who cares who dies there? Why should you care? If they are not stong enough to make it then scientifically they deserve it.
OK - some sarcasm here in all this. My overall point/question revolves around - if there is no god or higher power, who sets the rules? Those in power - and bush is in power, so maybe from a scientific view he is our better (not a view I personally hold....)