Christmas isn't about gift giving it's about the day that the baby Jesus was born.It burns me up when I see people arguing over gifts at Christmas time. Christmas has come down to money and it has lost it's meaning.
Here is how it plays out:One person has to buy someone else something because they would feel guilty if they didn't even tho they don't want to give them anything. Another person has to buy something the same exact price that the person that's getting them a gift is paying because they wouldn't want to be cheated out of a few cents by paying more money then the other person.
Then you have the bratty kids that make a list that is 3 pages long with specifics on how what store to buy it at and how to locate the department that the gift is located in and how much it should cost. The same kid totals up his list and compares it with all of his siblings because they want to make sure that no one gets jypped out of a present either.
Christmas isn't about going to a relatives house because you are in their will and if you don't take them a gift they might write you out of it and leave you penny less. It's also not about buying someone an engagement ring and asking them to marry you so that they will feel guilty if they say no.
Christmas isn't about complaining that you drew the "biggest jerks" name in the office out of the pool of names and now you have to find anything trashy that costs $20.00 and you don't even put a thought into it. It's not about giving your doorman, paperboy,maid or anyone else that helps you during the year a coupon book from McD's or Burger King because you should put throught into their tiny gift that shows your appreciation.
Christmas isn't about arguing with people that you don't know in toy and department stores. If you have to fight over a gift at Christmas then why are you giving it because hate is not suppose to be in your heart especially at Christmas. Your kid should understand that they didn't have the toy in stock so Santa brought them another toy instead.
Do you think that the wise-man fought over who was going to give baby Jesus the gold, incense or myrrh?
Christmas is about family, traditions and love. Please remember that!
The best thing that you can do at Christmas if you don't need anything would be to go to the post office and take a few of the letters addressed to Santa out of the bins and read them. Don't just look for the children letters either because seniors and disabled people are alone and need a bit of compassion as well.
I make a budget of $100.00 and I pick out a name for every pile including the family pile. I try to make someones Christmas a little brighter then it might end up being.
Another suggestion for people that are either alone or somewhat alone is to work at a shelter on Christmas eve and Christmas. Remember the holiday is about giving from the heart and not the pocketbook.
No matter if you believe in Jesus or not Christmas is celebrated around the world. It's not about the gift giving. Peace be with you!
:hug: :loveya:

"May all your dreams come true"