Edited on Mon Sep-22-03 04:42 AM by moof
how bitter it is now to think that this old phrase is best suited to describe the last half of the 20th century.
An era of opportunity that at last gave almost anyone a chance to grab a brass ring. A time that saw an explosion of creativity in music, film, literature, science, and enlightenment in general. Yes there was still prejudice and oppression to be stamped out but there appeared to be an undercurrent of conscienceness that at least we were headed in the right direction.
Many nights now as the messages here at DU scroll by there seems to be little to say or do that will not make the situation worse. How do you try to pitch in and help educate others as to the reality of life now without dashing what may be left of their hope. As much as anyone if not more, there is nothing that moof would not give or do within the law to give back the world a civilization that was on track to realizing they belong to the world & not the other way round. It seems now that the chance to have a true democracy and freedom has been taken away. Not to be negative but when your adversary has all the money, all the power, all the mass media and all the voting machines what can be done.
Seriously after reading threads in the GD & latest breaking news about this or that Democratic canidate it is just like are these people kidding, delusional, uninformed, in denial or are they just doing their best to keep playing the game hoping the house will let them appear to win once and a while.
There is really nothing that can be said or done now that will make any great difference and that is what seems to be the elephant in the living room that no one wants to acknowledge. So go ahead, please, point out the error of fact or logic that says that once a small group of people with almost no conscience and willing to break any law as well as write any new laws that give approval to their actions get the amount of control they now have, they can still be defeated.