Edited on Sun Dec-05-04 01:12 AM by DeepGreen
There is a translate button on Google. So, I clicked it. Have had a few beers here, which helped make the translation hilarious. Anyway, if you can get anything out of it,,, here it is:
Hello Has Windows XP Home, Norton anti-virus with newest updates and ad-awhere version and zone alarm the free version free against Spyware. If I T-Online or AOL doubleclicks dauerts an eternity to the starting side comes and with first time disappears the side mostly also, only with 2. or 3. Attempt klappts. My first question if I the computer after Spware scanne and it finds something it is then reset or only in Quaraentaene set? That would cost me with the time a heap storage location. The second question, from where it comes that the starting sides so slowly constructs itself hangs that zone alarm? Or laeueft too much process in the background. Here a list:
msmsgs.exe wuault.exe SAVSCAN.EXE wmiprvse.exe update.exe ctfmon.exe zlclient.exe Warn0190.exe sports club watch.exe WkUFind.exe jusched.exe ccApp.exe qttask.exe AOLDial.exe vsmon.exe kernel.exe update.exe NAVAPSVC.exe SAgent2.exe AOLascd.exe w0svc.exe E_S10IC2.EXE spoolsv.exe ccEvtMgr.exe svchost.exe LOCAL ONES SERVICE svchost.exe NETWORK SERVICE svchost.exe SYSTEM svchost.exe SYSTEM firefox.exe services.exe winlogon.exe csrss.exe taskmgr.exe smss.exe PROFIL~1.EXE System No-load operation process
What here redundant or dangerous, is how war I it away? are normal user, hardly store which and are not not so often in the InterNet.