For a nice meal, about eight, eight thirty. Mrs. WC Green, my 84 year old mother in law and I strolled into the place and suddenly, we were surrounded by kids. There were kids all over the place. I was shocked. Since when did parents start taking kids out on a Saturday Night? I’m talking you see. Two, Three year olds
And they were kids being kids, screaming and hollering and making a big commotion. I was pissed. I called the manager over and asked him to quite down a particularly loud table. The girl was just screeching. He told me he couldn't that this was a family restaurant and that it would’t be PC to interfere with how a person tames their children.
Well I asked the young fellow what he would do if a person who had too much to drink started to get out of hand at this family restaurant of his? (BTW, what family restaurant advertises Margaritas in really colorful, neat looking glasses that could appear, to the immature eye, to be kool-aid, a full line of food smothered in Jack Daniels, and has a thriving singles bar scene going on not twenty feet away from the children. I digress)
The young man replied that he would ask them, the drunkard, to leave but that his hands were tied on the unruly children thing.
I then asked him, dude, cause he is of that age, what about all the adults here who are having a bad experience because these people can’t find a baby sitter or worse, and probably more accurate, don’t have enough sense to see that they are disturbing dozens of people. No one was having fun except of course the little darlings who seem to have been fed intravenously with Red Bull.
I even told the manager that I probably wouldn’t be back and he just shrugged his shoulders like it didn’t matter.
Short of calling him a pussy for not standing up to an unruly customer, I dismissed him. Almost every other person who was sitting around me congratulated me for speaking my mind. I was about to go to the table in question and take matters into my own hand, when the barbarians at the gate started to shuffle around, get up and leave. Having worked as a bouncer oh so long ago, I knew that there is no controlling a scene once it starts to happen so I chalked it up to a heartburn experience and let it go.
So, if you got this far, why is it that people are so divorced from the world that they can’t see how their actions affect those around them? I hate to stereotype people but I would venture to say, given the neighborhood I live, that these folks were probably conservative, more than a 70% chance. Is this whole idea of selfishness, that everything revolves around the self and that nothing should ever interfere with what I am doing arise from this conservative philosophy of it’s mine, you can’t tell me what to do with my money or my time……
Is the whole Rush generation as ill mannered and uncouth as he?
I pray for the future......