This one woman who has all daughters, is in a branch of the military. I always thought she was a nice lady, but I caught her at the last high school game when she was working the concession stand talking to a woman, "Oh, didn't you have a son that wanted an interview for the * * Academy?" I was shocked. Especially since the concession line was long and she just went gabbying on ignoring the rest of us. It was obvious the woman she was talking to was not interested, but she gabbed on until she caught my eye. Then she disappeared. Someone else had to volunteer to serve the rest of us.
This is not the first time I've heard this. I also overheard her trying to get an interview for another man's son with Tom Feeney.
It's sickening. She's putting her own girls through school at the tax payer's expense, meanwhile signing up other people's boys for the military.