Let's play a little game. It is based on the 12 days of Christmas, except we will have to let it go longer than 12 days. Let's see how high we can get it. :D
Here's how it goes. Let's say the first post was this:
On the 1st day of Christmas, my aunt gave to me - a partridge on a pear tree.
To continue the song, the next person might post:
On the 2nd day of Christmas, the stork gave to me - 2 tiny kittens ( Sorry, I just had to. :P ), and a partridge on a pear tree.
And so on... The basic rules are:
1) The person that post next would change day #, the person, and add in an item. 2) You cannot change the items already present, nor can you repeat any items. 3) Every item has to have a number.
Basically all you need is copy and paste, plus a little creativity. :)
I'll start it. :D
On the first day of Christmas, Satan gave to me - A bee hive full of angry bees!