Whee! I have enough posts that I can start threads again.
As Dave Barry says, you can't make this stuff up. Thanks to
Strong Signals for the link.
Military radio signals jam garage-door openers>>
WASHINGTON -- Coming soon to dozens of military bases around the country: radio signals strong enough to jam nearby garage-door openers.
Between now and 2008, the military is supplying a new radio system to roughly 125 bases that uses the same frequency as the one relied upon by more than 90 percent of the remotely operated openers, Pentagon and industry officials say.
Linton Wells II, Pentagon acting chief information officer, predicted the effect will be noticed only within 10 miles of a base.
But (Mark Karasek, technical director of a manufacturers group formed in response to the military radio rollout) said it may be felt up to 50 miles away. He estimated that at least 50 million garage-door openers in the nation use the same frequency as the new radios.
So there won't be any problems, unless you live in DC, Hampton Roads, eastern North Carolina....