I had a really, really, really awesome post too... waaaaah :(
Here it was:
Allow me to refresh your memory of, ahem, world history:
Battle of Hastings (perhaps the most important battle in Western history, or at least in English history)
Battle of Thermopylae (this one might be more important)
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Orleáns
Almost any battle fought by
Robert BruceAll of the Punic Wars
Both English Civil Wars
Maybe this poster (read: YOU) believes that the world started in 1700! Then all of the battles - which basically, you know, just preserved Western culture - wouldn't matter!
I need to explain this???!!!!
To some idiot baffoon who seemed to believe that the world started with the invention of gunpowder. :eyes: (the language at the end was mocking the poster)
Dontcha hate it when a thread is locked while you're writing an awesome reply? :grr: