I want LESS buttons that take me places!! I got a ... *counts* 5 button mouse with my comp when I got it, and promptly threw it onto the old one and kept my older 3-button. I kept hitting the 2 on the side all the time without meaning to.
Speaking of which, my current mouse is the 2nd one of it's kind I've had, the first one's left button started being unresponsive in the upper corner, and now this one's doing it too. I know this must mean it's not a great design, though the 2 together have lasted maybe 5 years. Anyway, I want another one. I want to buy enough to never have to get another kind till mice no longer exist. It is the ONLY mouse I have ever found that isn't designed to be right or left handed. Now, I am right handed, but I still find the thumb-contouring uncomfortable. This is the closest to it I can still find anywhere, but mine is a pretty metallic red instead of this black, or blue ones which are prevalant on ebay.
http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=2142,CONTENTID=5928if anyone sees one of those in red - I want!!
edit - here's an unlinked page that still shows it.
http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&CRID=3&CONTENTID=4993&countryid=15&languageid=1but no links to buy it either.