Killion from the San Jose Mercury News nails it. Snips:
As a native of the Bay Area, I've always been proud of local sports fans for having some perspective. For refusing to blindly back a lousy product. For not being blackmailed into new stadium deals. But maybe we aren't as savvy as I thought.
I have a very hard time imagining that the Bonds I have covered the past 11 seasons could ingest something without knowing exactly what it was. That Bonds was somehow kept in the dark, while Jason Giambi and Kelli White and Marion Jones knew precisely what they were taking.
Bonds is a man in complete control. Of his body. Of his schedule. Of his career. He answers to no one except Barry Bonds.
Bonds is a very smart man. He's an extremely arrogant man who has always thought he was above the rules set for the other guys.
He's also a man who does not trust other humans. He doesn't trust the league that has made him rich. He doesn't trust teammates or managers or some friends. He doesn't seem to trust anyone.
Yet the biggest star in baseball, a fitness freak, is going to ingest things without knowing what they are? Right.
I'm curious as to what the people who still want to excuse Bonds say to their kids. Do they hold them accountable for their grades or argue with the teacher to find a loophole? Will they be just as forgiving when their kids use drugs and then come home and say they just took what their friends gave them?
My message to my kids? Bonds cheated. Whether he knew what he was doing does not change that fact. And the only person responsible for what goes in your body is you.