United States Constitution Found Unconstitutional
Washington DC- In one of the most controversial rulings in its history, the United States Supreme Court today ruled in a 5-4 decision that the United States Constitution, the document which sets forth governmental authority and restraints, is unconstitutional.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist led the decision, stating that the Constitution “has clearly restrained the abilities of government to do its job for far too long. It is a retroactive, not a proactive, document”.
Justice Antonin Scalia argued the most vehemently for the ruling, stating that the Constitution is a threat to freedom and security in the United States, and must be abolished. Scalia: “The very idea of this document restricting free Americans from their God-given rights to 24 hour surveillance, control over what their neighbors say and think, and their enjoyment of police search and seizure, is an affront to every patriotic right-thinking American. We cannot allow this document to weaken national security and the American moral fiber any longer”.
In a dissenting opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated “I had always thought the Constitution was by definition, constitutional. Doesn’t everything flow from it? It would seem so”.
Republican pundit and self-proclaimed Constitutional authority Ann Coulter was quoted as saying “Thank God! It’s about damned time. I’m gonna go beat up some liberals now!”