The Cleveland radio sidekick apparently missed that sage advice: Don't lick a bug-zapper.
Dieter learned a harsh lesson Friday during a stunt on "Rover's Morning Glory" on "Xtreme Radio" (WXTM FM/92.3). He plugged in a dirty, back-porch hanging contraption and stuck his tongue on the wire grate.
"He shook, contorted, and hit the floor," said Kim Monroe, WXTM's program director. "He was covered in goose-bumps." Unlike millions of summer mosquitoes and other flying annoyances, Dieter recovered.
"I saw sparks and the next thing I knew I was just out," said Dieter, 25, on Monday. He was taken to the hospital for a few hours, and is now on pain killers, antibiotics and salve. "My tongue is so-ah," he added. "It's ha-hd to talk." The stunt drew a minor storm of media coverage, but there were still questions about whether it was just another goofy radio hoax.
Seeing the brown, scabby, blecchy mess on Dieter's tongue is, well, shockingly real.
"Dare Dieter" is a regular Friday feature. In true "Jackass" fashion,
he has staple-gunned his testicles to his leg, snorted ants, placed his penis in a mousetrap, walked barefoot on glass, and had his butt branded (to prove it, he pulled down his pants and revealed a large, scarlike "D" on his rear end). A listener, "Mark in Westlake," had suggested Dieter stand in a bucket of water while licking a bug-zapper. Apparently, drier minds prevailed and the water was jettisoned. Standing by were Rover, sidekick Duji, and some EMS workers.
"At first we didn't want to touch him," said Rover. "We didn't want to get electrocuted."