Lindsay Lohan's Misplaced Purse: But Was It A Fendi?
One last dash of Lindsay Lohan—because if we didn't address this nicely-hidden blurb, we wouldn't sleep at night:
The director had to cut away at one point when Lohan's mouth was closed while she was "singing." Said one viewer: "She missed her cue to mouth along to the vocals."
Lohan might have lost her voice where she lost her purse. She apparently misplaced her handbag, which was found Saturday by a guest at a party at an Upper East Side bar for alums of Providence College.
The lucky finder was showing off Lohan's California driver's license, her black American Express card and other things she'd rather we didn't mention.
"Other things?" Like tampons? IS LINDSAY LOHAN MENSTRUATING? God, poor Lindsay. People are going to go absolutely crazy with this one.
Lohan 'Sings' With Mouth Shut

Oh, Fakey McFakerson. The smiley face is a nice touch, but isn't her middle name Morgan?