Drudge report Story of the week
Bush declares envy of Saddam's Tailors.
Bush Spokesperson Karl Rove gave a press release that the real reason we bombed Iraq is Bush was jealous of Saddam's Tailors and the quility of work they do. Karl Rove released this statement from Bush:
"My daddy tried to pay him off, but he wouldn't take the cash. He then stashed away his Tailors taunting how he was better dressed and my daddy wasn't. He insulted my daddy and Tony Blare by dressing better then them! What would the troops say if they found out Saddam had a bigger woody then mine?
It is hard work being the President and having penis envy. I needed better clothes to hide how small it is. That is why I liberated the Iraqy people so that I could gain their secrets and then mine would be bigger then Dick's."
Dick Cheney reframed from commenting. A source from inside the White House tells me that Dick Cheney has signed a secret deal with Viagra and has them carted through a secret hallway underneath the White House.
This story is still developing.