Any women on DU who smoke cigars?
complain jane
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Tue Dec-07-04 08:12 PM
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Poll question: Any women on DU who smoke cigars? |
Sitting here at work pulling some heavy overtime I suddenly got a craving for a cigar, and yet I never in my life smoked a cigar. So I thought I would come and share.
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Tue Dec-07-04 08:14 PM
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Edited on Tue Dec-07-04 08:15 PM by supernova
Mostly when I was extremely drunk. :D And a couple of years apart.
Try one, and see how you like it. It's a very intense smoke experience. No filters. ;-)
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Tue Dec-07-04 08:14 PM
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Tue Dec-07-04 08:16 PM
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or, at least she did... who knows what she is up to this week.
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Tue Dec-07-04 08:20 PM
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Tue Dec-07-04 10:38 PM
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5. Heck, yeah! Love 'em. What a great way to relax. Winter's a |
bummer cuz I don't like to smoke inside, but I always get cigar cravings when it's cold out and so nice and toasty inside.
I worked for a UK company for awhile, so I have a NICE collection...!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:36 AM
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