This is from an article called Your Band Sucks! Basically the guy rips every band under the sun a new asshole (from Korn to the Beatles) and he does it with STYLE BABY! It's so fucking hilarious that when he rips into bands I love I can't help but laughing
here's part of the current article:
"Robbie Williams - Greatest Hits
The world may see America as a nation of overweight rednecks, as a dangerous and power-hungry empire, or as a bunch of insane Christian zealots. Sure, all of that might be true to some extent, but at least we never allowed Robbie Williams to make it big over here. And for that, if nothing else, we can be proud to call ourselves Americans.
Creed - Greatest Hits
Actually, take back what I said about being proud to call ourselves Americans. I think Creed’s success more than balances out Robbie’s failure. As if post-grunge music wasn’t unbearable enough already, Creed had to come along and throw Christianity into the equation. It’s not even the fun kind of Christianity, with clapping and potlucks and love and celebration, it’s the fucking morose Passion-of-the-Christ struggling-with-faith Christianity that makes all of us heathens just want to vomit pea soup in the faces of the believers.
Amy Grant - Greatest Hits 1986-2004
Oh no, I take it back, the potlucks-and-clapping brand of Christianity is every bit as bad as the other kind.
Sixpence None the Richer - The Best of Sixpence None the Richer
Actually, this is the worst sort of all. Have you ever had a friend who said to you, “hey, you should come to this potluck with me, there are going to be a bunch of cool people there and some really interesting lectures”? And were you unsure what to say, because you didn’t really think your friend was a serious Christian, but you were worried about accidentally agreeing to go to something that might be about Jesus? Such is the nature of Sixpence None the Richer’s music. Plus, even aside from being secretly Christian, they only had one song that anyone’s ever heard, so fuck them for putting out a “Best Of” collection.
Travis - Singles
Do you ever wish you could listen to Coldplay without your palms sweating and your heart rate soaring? Do you often have to turn off your Goo Goo Dolls records because you’re getting a little bit too worked up? If so, congratulations, you’re the world’s biggest pussy. The good news is that there’s a pop band specifically tailored to your special needs: Travis. After the euphoric Britpop period, UK audiences decided that it was time to chill out and spend the next six years or so listening to extremely bland music. Travis was on the vanguard of blandness, easily outdulling lesser bores like Embrace and Starsailor. They released four albums, which contained, if I’m being extremely charitable, a maximum of two memorable songs between them. This collection, unfortunately, contains many more songs than that." it out you will laugh your ass off