That's smaller than many mobile homes.
What an under-acheiving loser.
The "real" sandcrawler in Star Wars looked to be at least 3 stories tall.

If he's going to do it, he should at least do it right.
He could modify one of those platforms they use to move the space shuttle to its launching pad (The Crawler-Transporter).

Now THAT would be doing it up the right way!

The crawler-transporter has four double-tracked wheels. Each wheel is a little more than twice the height of an average person. All four wheels are moved by sixteen electrical motors. The energy for these motors is created by two very powerful diesel engines.
Each of the eight tracks on the crawler contains fifty-seven steel pads. Each pad weighs about a ton. They are held in place with a pin weighing almost 50 kilograms (100 pounds). Even these pads, have to be replaced periodically due to damage caused by the weight of the load.