See here for the "reasons" for stork parking. :eyes: haven't seen this in the Richmond area but they had it in Hampton Roads. Basically it is an parking spot right next to the handicapped spot UNOFFICIALLY reserved for pregnant women and "parents with newborns".
I used to use those spots all the time when I lived on the Peninsula. I got stopped by someone onetime who not only appeared to have nothing better to worry about (other than the child in the stroller) but didn't look like she would be hurt from walking. She was coming out of the mall and she stopped me as I got out of my car
"Where is your child?"
"Where is your child, the sign there says for parents with small children"
"My kid is at home"-I was lying
"It says WITH small children"
"Look lady I am not going to stand here and get into a vocabulary lesson WITH you and anyway I am in a hurry"
I stood and watched her to make sure she didn't scratch up the Bug.
I would highly suggest taking full advantage of these spaces if you can.