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Man fights off tasers, pepper spray, K-9s before finally getting 'cuffed

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Champ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 12:50 PM
Original message
Man fights off tasers, pepper spray, K-9s before finally getting 'cuffed
The owner of the home told deputies he had told Hicks to leave his property, but Hicks wouldn't leave. After deputies warned Hicks, he still wouldn't leave.
Deputy Taylor told Hicks he was being placed under arrest for trespassing.

Taylor grabbed Hicks' arm to handcuff him and Hicks reportedly cursed at the officer and fought him off.
The deputy drove his Taser into Hicks' left buttocks and stunned him for five seconds, but the man wasn't fazed. He turned and pushed the deputy to the ground.

Hicks then walked towards the deputy and Taylor fired a Taser shot at Hicks, who ripped the probes out. Taylor fired a full can of pepper spray into Hicks' eyes and. Deputy Tippin fired a Taser shot into Hicks' back. Neither affected Hicks and he ripped the wires out from the second Taser shot.

Hicks ran north on Peach Street. Deputies caught up to Hicks and Taylor fired another Taser into Hicks' back.
He kept running.
Deputies fired a third and fourth time, but Hicks ran into Hale Oaks Apartments.

When he reached the apartments, deputies unleashed a K-9 dog on him. The dog bit down on Hicks' right calf, but the dog loosened for half a second and Hicks ran once again
At the back of the apartments he tried to fight off deputies, but was finally handcuffed.

Hicks was taken to Brooksville Regional Hospital where he was treated for a small abrasion to his lip and a small cut on the back of his head. Several Taser probes were removed from his body, authorities said.
After Hicks was arrested, he reportedly told authorities he might have smoked the drug PCP beforehand, but was unsure.
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mr_hat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 12:53 PM
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1. I watched "The Last Samurai" on TV last night. >
Pretty sure Tom Cruise and all his buds were high on PCP in the climatic battle scene.
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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 12:54 PM
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2. Dind't even need to read it-knew it was PCP
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DoNotRefill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 12:58 PM
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3. If you shoot somebody in the ass with a taser....
it ain't gonna do shit. You need to go for the neck, as close to the spinal column and brain stem as you can get.

F*cking amateurs....
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underseasurveyor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 01:13 PM
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4. Shit that's one tough drugged out
and DUMB sum-bitch.

Isn't PCP some kind of heavy duty large animal tranquilizer? Like knock a fuckin' elephant out :freak:
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