Looking at the information for our new insurance which is PPO instead of HMO, like our current health insurance, there is one private doctor who is considered PPO. He is a DO and his website says that he is dedicated to patient care. Currently I go to a doctor in the one clinic in our town covered by the current insurance. I have seen most doctors in this clinic and they all are pill pushers who try to get through the appointment as quickly as possible. They are all part of a large organization though and have extensive computerized records on me. I have been or am being treated for panic disorder and digestive problems. Anyway, when my insurance starts next year, should I just make an appointment with this doctor and tell him the problems that I've been having and that the other doctors haven't been treating me to my satisfaction. I am sort of hesitent to make an outright switch though because it is possible that he won't be that good of a doctor either and because he might be more difficult to see on a short notice which is especially important since the emergency room and urgent care copays are much higher with the new insurance. If I do decide to switch is there a protocol on requesting my records or does he do that. I am a fairly young adult and have never had to deal with switching doctors.