* Knock knock *
PSYDUCK: Hello, I vas vondering if any of you vould like to have a look at my new invention...
YELLOW: Sure...cum in...
* he starts to walk in but Yellow stops him *
YELLOW: I really meant... cum in...you know...
RED: Hey, whos the cute duck?
PSYDUCK: Shut up, now listen, I have to tell you something...rumuor has it, they nyk and Behnom....there thinking of getting rid of you!
GREEN: NO WAY!!! Were the yoshis!!!
BLUE: Yeah...we cant leave the plays!!
PSYDUCK: Hey, they nearly fired me, whyd you think Im doing so much! To keep my job!
* he dances around *
RED: But....what can we do?
PSYDUCK: Vell....being the guy I am, I made an invention, that will make you...not gay!!!
PSYDUCK: Yes, tis true....you vill not ve gay with this, and you can go your separate vays and save your asses!!
BLUE: What do you think guys?
GREEN: Im in...
RED: Me too...
YELLOW: NOO!!! Come on guys...we cant do this!!!
BLUE: Why not!!! Its time we got a new role!!
RED: Hes right, weve been doing fuck alll for the last few plays...
GREEN: Ok, Psyduck...lets do this..
PSYDUCK: Oh ya, das ist gut!