As someone who actually worked for many years evading "the eye" in Vegas and elsewhere, I have too much first hand experience with how ineffective surveillance really is. A rent-a-cop by any other name...seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how poorly trained surveillance is. People who go into this business are not the best and the brightest, not by a long shot, but sometimes they are downright pathetic. Actually, not all of them are total idiots, but many if not most of them rely on a huge expensive program to catch people who are working only with their brains, and even then they don't catch on right away. I guess I should be glad, as their ineptitude paid off my taxes, my debts, and my house, making it possible for me to cruise by on my current income in the high four figures. :-) Since they have such a struggle catching card counters, which they should have known how to do since the information was published in 1960, it is very fortunate for them that most cheats are completely pathetic. But I guess it's logical; why would a smart person cheat when a legal means (card counting) remains available to separate the casinos from the cash.
What chased me out of the casinos was the lack of OSHA requirements for all the noise. If they want to be really authentic, they should show how all the dealers and pit critters start suffering from hearing loss after awhile. You don't get that back. Yeah, show someone coming down from the sky trying to be subtle, and the pit boss (who thinks he is whispering) is yelling loud enough for everyone to hear, "Should we 86 her at the cage?" or something of that nature. Hey, I'm not quite deaf yet, if you don't want me to know you're talking about me, try lowering your voice. Oh, that's right -- you think you already did. I'm waiting for the class action suit against the industry in a couple decades when everybody involved in working on the floor is as stone deaf as Pete Townsend.
THe biometric programs are hilariously inaccurate as well but that is a story for another day.