I know this woman who is a "fundy Jew", looooves Smirk, wants to blow up Arabs, and thinks this site is just groovy.
Mr Fuzz just sent her an article on US giving 20mil to Palestinians and she sent back some diatribe (I am not interested in reading) and included links to littlegreendouchebags. FYI, she's the kind of freeper who prides themselves on smart talk and throwing "facts". (I got a quick glance at something in her email about "people still don't understand the importance of Vietnam", if that helps give you an idea of her style.) Its just that realities of ethics and facts about SmirkCo's destruction get conveniently ignored or twisted. Know what I mean? I'm sure you've seen this kind of wacko too, besides the Jaysus and the Nascar types.
So, does anyone have any quick and simple slaps to that crap? I really can't be bothered to read what she has to say and I certainly am not interested in getting myself worked up reading and responding to her. Frankly I can't stand being around her. Mr Fizz is much more able to let her go her way, he just tells her to can it when she tries to start political arguments (she is his business partner "VP")
Mannnny many thanks for any help!!! :D