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Seasonal song parodies

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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 07:38 AM
Original message
Seasonal song parodies
Hark! The oil barons sing,
"Glory to George who is our king!
War on earth, Iraq defiled
War for profit reconciled."
Joyful, corporations, rise
Join the media and their lies,
Bush, and Blair do both proclaim
9/11 and Saddam Hussein
Hark! The oil barons sing,
"Glory to George who is our king!"

Bush, by corporations adored,
Bush the ultimate warlord
Late in time the truth be known
Deception and lies all unsewn
Veil'd in lies, the people see
Hail, the truth of what will be
Constitutional abuse
Truth is now of no use.
Fear and hate are his to sell
Bush is their Emmanuel!
Hark! The oil barons sing,
"Glory to George who is our king!"

Hail, the liar and his staff
Hail to Bush and his own wrath
Fear and war to all he brings
Deception and Lies in all he sings
Fierce he lays his glory by
Born that more Iraqi's die
Born to plunder God's green earth
Born to increase his own worth
Hark! The oil barons sing,
"Glory to George who is our king!"

Bombs on Fallujah!
(Tune: "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
We're dropping bombs on poor Fallujah!
Our bombs will bring democracy and voting rights for all,
Just like we have at home.

We know that God is on our side and that our way is right,
And so we drop our bombs on you so that you'll see the light.
We want you to be just like us, so why put up a fight?
Our bombs will set you free!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
If you're not with us we say "Screw ya!"
We'll kill you all until you have democracy like ours!
Our bombs will set you free!

We know that you'll be grateful when our bombing raids are done,
And those of you still left alive will bless us everyone,
And vote the way we want you to - now won't that be such fun?
Our bombs will set you free!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
We're bringin' democracy right to ya!
So just put down your guns and never mind your sovereignty --
Our bombs will set you free!

We'll conquer every nation state that doesn't stand with us
And there's no use in putting up a protest or a fuss --
We've gone and killed our Bill of Rights so that you could be free.
No one dare disagree!

By Granny Vicki Ryder (Rochester, NY)

Oh you'd better watch out, you'd better not fight
You'd better believe in the radical right
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

You'd better not sneer, you'd better not laugh
Or black-belted goons will tear you in half
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

He is the new Messiah
A hundred times as good
As a loud-mouth Okie Baptist
Or a teenage Hindu hood.

He doesn't want fame or power or land
Just women in bed and money in hand
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

He's looking for girls to start a new race
So open your legs and shaddup you face
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

Unquestioning submission
Is all he want from you
He thinks the world of Chung Hee Park
And Ronald Reagan too.

He's making a speech, leading a band
They say that he's worth a few million grand
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

His kids are around in every niche
Begging for dimes and making him rich
Reverend Moon is coming to town.

He's come in from Korea
To make us understand
He wants to make America
Just like his native land

He's pulling in crowds from far and from near
They'll all lose their minds by early next year
Reverend Moon is coming to town!
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Slow down ye frantic shoppers for there's something we must say
If you would spare a moment all the stores would go away
Big business has been telling us what Christmas means today

Now it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves
Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.

To some folks Christmas means a time for gathering with friends
And enemies might take it as a time to make amends
But TV says it's time for pricey gifts and selfish ends

Now it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves
Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.

Some people feel that Christmas is when Jesus makes a call
For others it's a time to stress good will and peace to all
But advertisers tell us it means Santa's at the mall

Now it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves
Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.

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Midnight Rambler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 08:32 AM
Response to Original message
1. I Am Santa Claus
By Bob Rivers

sung to the tune of "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath

Flying Through the snow
Can you hear him ho ho ho
He's so full of cheer
only has to work one day a year

Children in their beds
Visions of sugar plums fill their heads
So many kids out there
Santa must be a billionare

Red suit, boots of black
Big sack of toys hanging off his back
How much does he weigh
How do the reindeer pull his sleigh

Nobody sees him
as he travels the world

Leaving his presents
for the good boys and girls

Ho ho ho ho ho

Sees every move you make
Better be good for goodness sake
Leave him cookies and beer
He'll be back to your house first next year
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meow2u3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 10:15 AM
Response to Original message
2. God Help Iraqi Gentlemen (one of my own)
(to the tune of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen)

God help Iraqi gentlemen, for you will die this day
We're gonna bomb Fallujah once again on Christmas Day
The psychos in the White House shall insist that you will pay
Murder gives this administration joy, comfort and joy
Murder gives the Bush administration joy

God help all of us Democrats, Republicans did gloat
and got away with flagrant fraud that robbed us of our vote
The GOP paid off the refs so we’ve no antidote
Blackmail gives this administration joy, comfort and joy
Blackmail gives the Bush administration joy

God save us all, Americans, from the Religious Right
The White House and the radical clerics are very tight
They push their crazy views on us with military might
Tyranny gives this administration joy, comfort and joy
Tyranny gives the Bush administration joy

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