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One hawk I can support..................Pale Male ;(

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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 04:42 PM
Original message
One hawk I can support..................Pale Male ;(
Edited on Sat Dec-11-04 04:58 PM by marieaey
I was so disappointed when I heard that some cruel rich folks had Pale Male and Lola's nest removed. I just can't believe that it surreal. If you don't know the story of Pale Male I'll share a little. Pale Male is a red tail hawk who claimed Central Park in NYC as his home. He was first seen there I believe in 1991. He built his nest high on a well to do apartment building in Manhattan overlooking the park. Since then he has had several mates and has raised 2 dozen hatch lings while tens of thousands of New Yorkers watched. Pale Male was featured in a documentary made by PBS. He is famous throughout the world. Even Saudi Arabia had an article about this. Pale Male's as famous as many of the Tennant's who evicted him. Mary Tyler Moore lives in the building and is devastated that her neighbors gave permission for this to happen.His survival in NYC has been an inspiration to all that follow his story. Pale Male brought people together.....some who thought bird watching was dumb found themselves addicted to watching Pale Male raise his family. If you want to know more about Pale Male check out this site. The photos of this bird are outstanding. and

Sign Petition:

Movie Trailer of Pale Male in Action:
Pale Male Trailer
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SaveAmerica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
1. Paula Zahn's part in his eviction?
Do you live in NY? I heard a blurb on the news saying that Paula Zahn and her husband (who live in the building) had something to do with PaleMale's nest removal (I think it was on Countdown). Do you know if they were responsible for it - sent in the request for it to come down - or just mentioned because they live in the building?

The only Paul Zahn interview I'd tune into now would be with Mary Tyler Moore as a guest asking her why PZ's so selfish.
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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 05:03 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. My understanding is that Moore was the only one in oppostion........
in removing the nest. So if Zahn lives in the building then she was probably at least one of the tennants who was involved but I can't say for sure. Lincoln did suggest contacting her to do a story.......which I thought was odd.....maybe that was his round about way of getting folks to send her emails about it. some had threatened him with a lawsuit for posting their names on the website.
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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. Yes Paula Zahn lives in the building
Yes, Paula Zahn lives in the building. The following are excerpts from a newspaper article. I don't have a link for the article or I would post it.


No Fighting the Co-op Board, Even With Talons

December 11, 2004

They gathered on Oct. 19 for a ritual known to thousands of
New York co-op owners, the annual meeting. The board
president, Richard Cohen, and his wife, the newscaster
Paula Zahn, threw open their second-floor apartment
overlooking Central Park for the occasion. Quickly, the
discussion focused on a huge and untidy red-tailed hawk,
known famously as Pale Male, which had been nesting on the
building's facade for a decade.

The building, 927 Fifth Avenue, is among the city's most
sumptuous - apartments behind the neo-Italian renaissance
facade occupy entire floors, or two, and are worth well
over $10 million. The roughly 10 people at the meeting
included Robert A. Belfer, the founder of Belco Oil & Gas
and a former director of the Enron Corporation; Dr. Robert
Schwager, a plastic surgeon with offices on the ground
floor; and Dr. Robert Levine, a Manhattan cardiologist who
is married to Mary Tyler Moore.

The nest, board members said, had to go. There would be no
vote among shareholders. Several people familiar with the
discussions said it was Mr. Cohen who had headed the
effort, even though his wife had once proclaimed her
affection for the birds on television.

Mr. Cohen, a real estate developer, spoke publicly about
the matter for the first time yesterday and defended the
co-op, on the corner of East 74th Street. "Every year this
became more problematic," he said of the nest, calling the
decision the result of a consensus and flatly denying he
had railroaded it through.

He called the eviction a "last resort" and said that board
members believed the birds would thrive elsewhere, and
quickly. "It takes a week to 10 days to rebuild a nest.
Trees fall in nature. They lose nests. They are resilient

Other than Ms. Moore and Dr. Schwager, residents of the 11
apartments in the building have declined to be interviewed,
among them Bruce Wasserstein, the Wall Street deal maker,
and Ms. Zahn, who had referred to Pale Male in a 2001
segment of "The Edge with Paula Zahn," on Fox News Channel.
She was interviewing two naturalists, one of whom commented
on the problems associated with people feeding wild
animals, and Ms. Zahn seemed eager to offer a glimpse of
her personal life. "Well, guess what lives on my building,
you two, a red-tailed hawk," she said. "It eats rats and
pigeons on our block."

"I like the hawk," she said. "I am just not going to feed
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UL_Approved Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. What will be hilarious... when Pale Male rebuilds over the spikes. Or on another ledge. These birds have intelligence, and the experience that Pale Male has will allow him to move on. I'll bet that he is the least broken up about all of this.
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kittycat1164 Donating Member (616 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 04:58 PM
Response to Original message
3. He is rebuilding on the same building I think
at least that's what I heard. New Yorkers---please fill us in and give us updates.
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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 05:08 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. The website has the latest update and was posted today...........
Lincoln has updated it daily.
The birds are ok but not building a new nest. They tried to rebuild in their spot but the piegon spikes were removed and they had no success.
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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 10:49 AM
Response to Original message
7. popular NYC blogger takes up the cause........................
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Coventina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 11:30 AM
Response to Original message
8. How much you wanna bet one of those horrible rich people
will either poison Pale Male, or use an air rifle to bring him down?

Rich people don't like "losing", and they'll take out their anger on the bird. I guarantee it.

I would be happy to be proven wrong, I just don't have much hope of it.
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marieaey Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 01:19 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Lincoln has posted daily updates! watch Pale Male doc.
Watch the nature documentary Pale Male on Thirteen/WNET New York CHANNEL 13. Showtimes:
# Tuesday Dec. 14th, 8pm
# Sunday Dec. 19th, 8pm

Saturday December 11, 04

At 74th Street & Fifth Avenue today Pale Male visited us flying before his nest and over our heads. Lola perched on the right corner of the Woody building's watertower and I had her up on the video display live for over an hour. They are still here. They need their nest. I see no signs of the nest geting replaced. I'm hearing that negotiations are favourable, but I'm not seeing a truck parked outside. I'm not seeing ropes in place to hoist the platform up to the roof.
Frederic Lilien just flew in from Belgium to show his support. I want to say welcome and thank you to the woman who flew in from San Francisco for this also (I'll try to find her name)
Thanks for everyone's support. Lets keep focus and not let them compromise Pale Male's original nest. It must be back in its original state. No box on the roof! No alternative nest site! Remember thousands of Red Tail Hawks lived on Manhattan for hundreds and hundreds of years before they were chased out by man. One is back, we must respect him! Hail Pale Male!

Richard Cohen
Capital Properties
527 Madison Avenue
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